Tweeting From Space
Is @Astro_Mike tweeting from space?

[ I love the view into an astronaut's life provided by @Astro_Mike on Twitter. Great great great. But I'm a troublemaker. ]

According to this AP article, he emails his tweets to Houston and officials there post them.

If I write down a tweet on a piece of paper while on a roller coaster, then SMS it to Twitter later, was I tweeting from the roller coaster?

If I call a friend of mine from a hot air balloon and tell them what to tweet using my account, am I tweeting from the balloon?

If an official in Houston tweets on the behalf of an astronaut in orbit, is that a tweet from space?

Perhaps a person sitting at a web browser in Houston with @Astro_Mike's password is just another Twitter interface, like a phone client or custom app. Perhaps a <= 140 character thought recorded in some way + the intent to tweet it is sufficient to call it "tweeting".

I'm not convinced. But it's a fun philosophical debate. What do you think?