Information Is Now The Dominant Life Form On Earth
It's possible that this has been true for some time, but I'm calling it now.

Twitter is the turning point. We'd like to think that we're the ones in control. And of course we almost are. We're active participants. But we've reached the point where the information shapes us, and our actions, to its ends.

Congrats to @jack, @biz, @ev, and the team for creating Twitter. But in a very real sense, Twitter was created by the information. It had to be created, it didn't really matter how or by whom.
I'm not looking forward to the Postsingularity, the point in time after information becomes self-aware...and gets irritable.
Yeah, that could suck. It feels like we're still a ways off from the information being self-sustaining without our help. And perhaps with filters we may regain control. We'll see.